Oh! I have totally forgot to post reseved cards! I had the pics on my computer but forgat to post them! I'll change the posting day for the day I think I got the card. So, last five cards are posted today. :)
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
These aren't from Postcorssing, but I'll still post them in here. :) I usually get around seven Christmas card, this year I only got three! From my cousin, my parents and from the parlament. The parlament card is from the congressman (women actually) I'v been voting many times. :)
Saturday, December 02, 2006
This lovely card came from Holland (Netherland). I love it cause it's kind of light and calm. :)
Friday, December 01, 2006
Beautiful card from Lyon France. I'v been in Paris and I didn't like it. Mayby next time I go to Lyon. ;)