Friday, November 16, 2007

This "Maisa and Kaarina" (in finnish, but you get the idea by picture too) card went to Austria for a Finnish postcrosser. Maisa and Kaarina is about two female friends. The comic shows normal but funny life as a women.
This one is saying "An't it enough for exercise that I have seriously...thought about it."

This "Birdie" had
also Moomin stamp
and postmark.
This went to USA.
This one is called "Hetken metafysiikkaa, A moment of metaphysics" and it has a Moomin stamp and postmark. Going to the Germany.
This Stenvall's "Ilman käsiä, Without hands" went to Italy. It had a Moomin stamp and postmark. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I had my birthday at 8.11. This is the card my sister sended to me.
This is so for me! Can't belive she found something like this! I love those teddy's and they have London tubemap on the backround! London! Tubemap! Thanks sis!

In Finland Father's day
is the second Sunday
in November. So here
is card to my dad.

It's not so bright that
the photo is showing. ;)

My stepmom
had a birthday
and I made this
to her.
Hope she likes it!